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Chrisalida Programs Page

“While we may continue to use the words smart and stupid, and while IQ tests may persist for certain purposes, the monopoly of those who believe in a single general intelligence has come to an end. Brain scientists and geneticists are documenting the incredible differentiation of human capacities, computer programmers are creating systems that are intelligent in different ways, and educators are freshly acknowledging that their students have distinctive strengths and weaknesses.”


― Howard Gardner, Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century

What is Chrisalida?

The foundation of Chrisalida stands on the belief that the human brain cannot be restricted to specific areas of cognisance. For the holistic development of an individual every aspect of the human brain must be exercised. Every individual has a different potential and aptitude which when channelized can lead to a strong and healthy mind!

The programs at Chrisalida are based on the Theory of multiple Intelligence, a theory developed by Howard Gardner in the year 1983.


The theory of multiple intelligences differentiates human intelligence into specific 'modalities', rather than seeing intelligence as dominated by a single general ability (Wikipedia)


Gardner suggests that the human intelligence can be differentiated into eight modalities

as depicted in diagram 1 (blue gears). In addition to the intelligencies listed above, the Chrisalida programs also emphasizes on the emotional and spiritual intelligences.


Diagram 1 : Theory of Multiple Intelligences

At Chrisalida, the programs are tailor-made for each age-group keeping in mind the physical, emotional and mental capabilities of the children.They are designed in several modules which aim at developing reading, writing, thinking, communication and emotional skills in a safe, comfortable and fun environment. With hands-on activities children weave together various skills and perceptions to think and create in different ways. Through thinking games, public speaking and team building activities, children will be able to explore the world around them. A lot of fun activities are incorporated into the programs to encourage independence and creativity with sufficient opportunities for self expression.


For further details please do contact us. We will be all too happy to respond to your queries. 

(Age group : 4 to 7 years)


This program focuses on developing the following skills:

  • Language skills through phonics

  • Interactive reading programs

  • Fun games with phonemic awareness

  • Creative thinking

  • Story telling and reading

  • Introduction to English grammar.

  • Public speaking

  • Role play and speech

  • Vocabulary building and book reading sessions

  • Cognitive skills

  • comprehension and analysis

 The Chrisalida Programs
(Age group - 7 to 10 years)

This program focuses on developing the following skills:

  • English enrichment with the help of hands on activities

  • Creative writing and its forms

  • Public speaking and Recitation

  • Role play

  • Vocabulary building

  • Personality Development and Leadership

  • Logical Thinking and Analysis

  • Book genre study

  • IQ games

  • Etiquette and General Manners

  • Value Education

(Age group : 10 - 14 years)


This program focuses on developing the following skills:

  • Public Speaking,

  • Extempore, Elocution and Debates

  • Figurative Speech and Vocabulary

  • Making Presentations and Delivering the content.

  • Advanced Creative Writing,

  • Advanced Grammar skills,

  • Group project building and Analysis

  • Advanced Literacy Sessions

  • Forms of Poetry

  • Life Skill sessions

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